Innermetrix ADVanced Insights – Certified Innermetrix Consultant (CIC)

The "ADVanced Insights Analysis" & "Customised Coaching Reports" from "Innermetrix" (IMX)

The Innermetrix Advanced Insights Analysis & Leadership Coaching Reports (… and each of its’ nine customisable options) explores and explains:

A- Six Key Dimensions of Thinking – three in the world of work three within yourself:

  • Systems Judgement
  • Practical Thinking
  • Empathy
  • Self-Belief/Self-Esteem
  • Role Awareness
  • Self Direction

In its’ unique Attributes Index, it determines 77 areas of Personal Skill and Talent, which is scientifically accurate and measures scores reflecting someone’s:

  • Attention – what has their attention most of if not all of the time, and what is it that they cannot see (their blind-spots),
  • Balance or Bias – over or under-emphasising a particular Dimension of Thinking,
  • Clarity levels in each dimension (clarity and skill or confusion and frustration)

B: It assesses and measures the seven Core Values and Workplace Motivators across populations, communities, teams and workplaces.

Those being the:

  • 1- Aesthetic – the drive to express yourself and the talents you have within, to be involved in form, flow and harmony, the drive to experience circumstances, events, nature and performance, and a heightened levels, the drive to be the best you that you can be!
  • 2- Economic – the utilitarian drive to get a return on your time, resources, energy and money
  • 3- Individualistic – the drive to have as much freedom as possible, and to be seen or recognised as unique or different,
  • 4- Political – the drive to have your cause, or the cause you believe in, be realised or victorious
  • 5- Altruistic – the drive to remove injustice, prejudice and inequity, the drive to bring out the potential in other people or situations, the drive to assist and help.
  • 6- Regulatory – the driver will need to operate within an existing or developing set of beliefs or dogma, the drive to connect with something bigger or universal
  • 7- Theoretical – the drive to find the truth, solve a problem or work out a puzzle by acquiring and ordering knowledge.

C: By using an extremely advanced application of the DISC Model:

Combining the lifetime works of Dr. William Marston & Professor John Geier, The Innermetrix ADVanced Insights Analysis & Leadership Coaching Report also assesses and establishes the eight ways in which people behave, emote & communicate:

  • When dealing with various circumstances – challenges, problems & opportunities, and individual will choose to be either decisive or deliberate:
    • In scenarios involving other people, they will prefer to be either very interactive or introspective,
  • When working with processes, methods and the pace of change, they will choose to either be stabilising or spontaneous – either clearly hiding or openly expressing their thoughts and feelings,
  • In dealing with rules, regulations, quality and accuracy, they will either be cautious or challenging and creative.

Innermetrix Australia - The ADVanced Insights & The Organisational Health Check

ADVanced Insights

The What? The Why? The How?

The What?

Identifies and measures an individual’s thinking & decision-making style and 77 personal skills and talents.

The Why?

Measure an individual’s core motivation & personal drivers which predict priority-setting and time-management.

The How?

Shows an individual’s behaviour, communication and emotions in normal and pressure situation.

End of October 2019 - People and Business Insights and Innermetrix_ chart
BNI - End of 2019 - People and Business Insights and Innermetrix

Customisation of "The ADVanced Insights" and "Coaching Report"

Emotional Intelligence
Customer Service
Sales Management
General Employment
Elite Athletic Performance

CIC (Certified Innermetrix Consultant) - Innermetrix ADVanced Insights

STEP 1 - Innermetrix Accreditation CIC – “Virtuoso” Mentoring Program

Your CIC enrolment, preparation and Accreditation.

Book Your Seat Now

STEP 2 - Innermetrix Validation CIC

Once your complete STEP 1 (Innermetrix Accreditation CIC – 3 days of Interactive “Virtuoso” Mentoring)

Your CIC validation.

Call us

STEP 3 - Innermetrix Full Certification CIC

Once your complete STEP 1 & STEP 2 (Innermetrix CIC validation).

Your CIC Full Certification.

Call us

Who should attend?

  • Leaders,
  • Coaches,
  • Business Owners
  • Consultants
  • Internal & External Recruiters
  • Business Advisers,
  • Outplacement Specialists
  • Project Managers
  • HR, OD & Training Professionals

Your Master Facilitator and Program Mentor

your pain and gain, Fact feeling finding, what's the goal - People and Business Insights


Jay Niblick

Jay Niblick

Founder & CEO of Innermetrix Incorporated

On the Board of Hartman Institute

Author of “What’s Your Genius? – How The Best Think For Success In The New Economy” & “The Profitable Consultant: Starting, Growing, and Selling Your Expertise

Innermetrix International

Allan Miller

Allan Miller

Managing Director Innermetrix International 

CEO of Innermetrix The U.K

Past President of the European Chapter of The Hartman Institute

Innermetrix Australia

Russell Wylie

Russell Wylie

CEO & Founder of People and Business Insights

Exclusive Master Distributors & Trainers of Innermetrix

Your Master Facilitator and Program Mentor in Australia (Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane)

To know, and not to do is not to know … A new & different knowledge emerges from “the doing”

People and Business Insights and Innermetrix
When you have a powerful process, embracing knowledge & expertise …
It’s like investing in the best software, when you optimise this special knowledge … generating profit and value will flow to you, your people and your business.
  • 77 Page Analysis & Individualised Coaching Report, covering 1) The “What” = Your Personal Skills (Strengths) & Thinking Styles, 2) The “Why” = Your Values & Motivators, 3) The “How” = Your unique Behaviour, Emotions & Communication
  • The Only Analysis connected to a formal, empirical science & highest levels of validity, identifying & precisely measuring 77 Personal Skills Attributes Index designer, mathematician – Robert Hartman previously nominated for Noble Prize
  • Customised Analyses & Coaching Reports for Leadership, Management, Emotional Intelligence, Customer-service, Sales, Sales Management, Finance/Financial Services, I.T & C, General Employment, Elite Athletic Performance
  • Thorough, In-depth analysis & comprehensive real-life explanations & recommendations, highlighting clarity, biases & blind-spots, reactions in normal & pressure situations, genuine motivational drives
  • Reliability, Accuracy, Relevance – objective feedback
  • Adjustable for different roles and accessible via easy-to-use web-based questionnaires
  • Time savings via immediate & deep understanding of an individual or team’s strengths, challenges, blindspots, opportunities for growth, motivation. Recommendations for best working environment, Do’s & Don’ts for Effective Communication
  • Excellent guidelines for coaching, mentoring, performance reviews, succession planning, career transition, outplacement, recruitment & selection, training, team building & organisational development, ongoing training & development.
  • Go deeper into the talent & strengths in your teams & get a real appreciation of someone’s emotional intelligence, abilities in dealing with customer service, sales & clarity with common sense, attitude to honesty, personal accountability, etc.
  • Commitment & Engagement, Smoother Teamwork by Applying & Accelerating Personal & Team Strengths. Cost effective, time effective satisfaction and flexible strategies
  • Confidence & Trust in a true scientific instrument
  • The Peace of Mind from knowing that you have flexibility, reliability

Innermetrix is used by professional consulting and technology firm with over 1,700 consultants in 42 countries, specialising in helping professional business consultants & coaches build and grow a profitable consulting practice. The ADVanced Insights Analysis and Leadership Coaching Report has been completed by over 6,000,000 people across the planet.

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